
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

So... yeah
Set at 19:13 on April 05, 2010

Vampire Rave member for 14 years.

Status:  Eidolon (38.82)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?



Bite IsabellaCruor

Stalk IsabellaCruor



The Mist thins...

Isabella speaks...
Greetings! Welcome to the house of the Cruor Clan. I am Isabella Cruor, mistress of this coven. Enter, for you are welcome. Pay no attention to Irs. He has been with me since I was still young to this life and he is quite protective of me. I changed him. He was attacked for the bread he carried, but Italy was a different world then. He has been a faithful guardian and friend ever since. Would you care for something to drink? Here, 25 year old male, drained while his heart still beat. Its quite fresh. I have a fondness for them at that age. Me? Oh, no, my family lived in Spain. When I awoke to this life, I found myself alone, so I began to travel and look for more of my kind. Oh, listen to me, dwelling on darker times. Come, sit, let is talk for a while...

Notice: If you're going to message me just to tell me all the dirty little things you'd like to do to me, don't waste you're time. I am on here to make friends and if you can't hold a conversation without telling me where you'd like to bite me I have no time for you. Sorry to be that way but it gets old. Thanks! XD

I am well balanced light and dark. I am 24, cuban, I work at the Lexington Clinic, and I am a belly dancer. I love the music, the costumes, the dance, and the women I dance with. (some of the best friends I've ever had are dancers) I love the Renaissance period so the Faire is the highlight of my year right beside Halloween. I am obsessed with vampires and I have a twisted facination with blood. I love anything gothic, steampunk, elvish, or Renaissance related. I I love swords, axes bows & arrows and other shapr objects. I have a fair collection starting. Being a pisces I am creative and I have a duality of interests (my light and my dark). It's odd cause I do tend to love things are both sides of the spectrum. I prefer the night and the light of the moon. My love of the night is a double edged blade for me of sorts. I'm terrified of insects and they, of course, are out in force at night and I have a day job that requires me to be at work at 7:30 a.m. so I run on very little sleep most days. I am a D and D dork even though I'm still only learning how to play. Thunder storms are wonderful. The more violent the better. I love rock, metal, and classical music (I will learn to play the violin at some point) and the louder the better. I prefer live shows that leave my ears ringing for the rest of the night. I read much more than any normal human should and so of course I'm writing a book. Its a fantasy and hopfully I'll be published by 2010. My side project is a series of gothic childrens' books that I'll just write for fun. I love horror and fantasy. Faeries, dragons, blood, vampires, things that should keep me up at night, ghosts. I have an odd fixation with ghosts and I want to start investigating haunts in the area. I've had too many experiences not to believe. I have some basic equipment to get started with and some locations I'm trying to work out a schedule with. I love animals and I do animal rehabilitation when need be. I love to cook for large groups of friends. I'll slave all day for 12 but I won't cook dinner for myself. Go figure. Um, what else about me...? If you can't find me I'm probably be watching anime, reading manga, or playing video games. My favorite games are ones where I get to kill things. Resident Evil is the best series ever. My friends and family are most important to me and I'll do anything for any of them. I have 4 brothers and 3 step brothers. (notice that I'm the only girl? fun for me) I'm shy when you first meet me so if I don't look you in the eye at first or I act spastic, all that will pass when I get comfortable with you. I'm addicted to tattoos. I didn't believe it when they first told me that they are addictive but the hum of the gun excites me. I have 6 and I have my next 2 planned. All of mine have something to do with my family or something I love.

Favorite Movies?
anything bloody/terrifying/paranormal I love The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, Twilight, Stardust, 300, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Gangs of New York, and other such period films just to name a few.

I love metal. Industrial mostly. I do love rock and I love any and all classical. I adore Vivaldi! I'm planning on learning to play the violin soon. Live shows that leave my ears ringing are most enjoyable.
What books do I chew my way through?
I've read The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight, The House of Night, I love all Stephen King and Dean Koontz, I love the classics, Dracula, Frankenstein, Bronte, Austen, and the like. One of my all time favorites is The Raging Quiet. and manga don't forget manga!!!

What I do in my spare time?
When I'm not working... I'm dancing. I am a member of two belly dance troupes, The Rainbow Dancers out of Florence, Al. Rainbow is a caberet/tribal group who has been lead by Whiporil for years. And then there is Shuvani Rose. Shuvani is a gypsy/tribal group who is my extended family. There is a line between troupe and tribe and we are a tribe. We are a new group but we are well on our way to fullfilling our dreams: Traveling and performing at Ren. Faires everywhere and other scheduled venues.

On those quiet evenings when work or dance doesn't beckon, i'll be reading, writing, playing video games or D and D, watching GHOST HUNTERS! I love paranormal investigation! or otherwise spending time with family and friends. Which involves, movies, killing zombies, cosplay, and hunting ghosts. You know, normal Friday night stuff

Member Since: Oct 22, 2009
Last Login: Oct 06, 2011
Times Viewed: 5,231

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May 05, 2022

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Oct 24, 2020
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...
Jul 27, 2020
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